Roadmap (edit)

The current build roadmap.

Contents (edit)

    • Overview
    • Key
    • Goals
    • Roadmap
    • References
    • See Also

Overview (edit)

Note: This is a work in progress while the system is documented and put into production. Feedback is welcome.

The biggest problem right now, is that Pipi9 is "headless" and needs a web-based UI front-end. This roadmap is a list of the minimum necessary tasks required to get Pipi into production and able to be used by people to solve complex problems. Later, it will then be followed by a product roadmap driven by the needs of users.

Each task has

  • a unique WBS ID
  • a current DevOps step
  • a priority
  • the date the current step started
  • the date the current step completed
  • the type of job
  • the goal
  • the scope of what is being altered
  • a task description

Key (edit)

Note: This is a work in progress while the system is documented and put into production. Feedback is welcome.

This is the key to the terms used.

Term Meaning
WBS Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) used to sequence steps in a project plan Gantt Chart.
Step The current step in a DevOps process.
Priiority The urgency of the task.
Started The date the current step started.
Completed Tthe date the current step completed.
Verb The type of work to be done.
Goal The functional part of the system that needs work.
Scope The part of Pipi that will be worked on. Usually it is one of the many engines.
Task A description of the task to be performed.

Goals (edit)

WBS Priority Status Goal Description
1 High Underway Namespace Names used in Pipi.
2 High Underway Versioning Automate versioning.
3 High Underway Status Automate status.
4 Medium   Domain Model Robust domain driven design (DDD).
5 Medium Underway Workspace Simple web applications.
6 Medium Underway Ribbon Ribbon menu and controls.
7 Medium   Help Workspace help menu for users.
8 Medium   Self-documentation Simple hand-built forms to edit engine configuration.
9 Medium   Wiki Page Simple forms to edit a wiki page.
10 Medium Underway SQL SQL statements to edit any database schema.
11 Medium   Code Working code.
12 Medium   Workflow Process automation.
13 Medium   Form Low-code form generation.
14 Low   Deployment Enabling user accounts.
15 Low   User Personal user accounts.
16 Low   User Test Provide simple login to users.
17 Low Underway Feature Enable user-driven development process
18 Low Underway Community Encourage more participants

Roadmap (edit)

WBS Step Priority Started Completed Verb Goal Scope Task
1.1 Production High 08/12/2024 08/12/2024 Edit Namespaces Google Sheet Make a plan
1.2 Production High 09/12/2024 10/12/2024 Make Namespaces NSP engine > agent Build CRUD form
1.3 Planned High Edit Namespaces NSP engine > agent Edit NSP Agents
1.4 Development High 11/12/2024 Make Namespaces NSP engine > system Build CRUD form
1.5 Planned High Edit Namespaces NSP engine > system Edit NSP Systems
1.6 Development High 23/12/2024 24/12/2024 Edit Namespaces NSP engine > relationship Edit dependancies
1.7 Planned High Edit Namespaces NSP engine Edit all engine names and descriptions
1.8 Testing High 21/12/2024 22/12/2024 Edit Namespaces DevOps engine Export the Google Sheet to DevOps engine
1.9 Production High 21/12/2024 22/11/2024 Edit Namespaces Template engine Create template for roadmap report
1.10 Production High 21/12/2024 22/11/2024 Edit Namespaces Wiki engine Publish template as static roadmap page
1.11 Planned High Render Namespaces Render Engine Publish roadmap page
2.1 Planned High Test Versioning Version engine Test Version engine
2.2 Planned High Edit Versioning Workflow engine Create simple versioning workflow
2.3 Planned High Make Versioning Version engine Build CRUD form
2.4 Planned High Test Versioning NSP engine > version Turn on automated versioning
2.5 Production High 22/12/2024 22/11/2024 Edit Versioning Template engine Create templates for version pages
2.6 Production High 2/12/2024 22/11/2024 Edit Versioning Wiki engine Publish template as static version page
2.7 Planned High Render Versioning Render engine Publish versioning pages
3.1 Planned High Make Status NSP engine > status Build CRUD form
3.2 Planned High Test Status NSP engine > status Turn on automated status
3.3 Production High 22/12/2024 22/11/2024 Edit Status Template engine Create Status templates
3.4 Production High 22/12/2024 22/11/2024 Edit Status Wiki engine Publish template as static status page
3.5 Planned High Render Status Render engine Publish status pages
4.1 Planned High Make Domain Model Domain engine Rebuild engine
4.2 Planned High Edit Domain Model Domain engine Edit the domain models
4.3 Planned High Edit Domain Model Entity engine Edit the entity classes
4.4 Planned High Make Domain Model Domain engine Build CRUD form
5.1 Development High 18/12/2024 07/01/2025 Make Workspace Workspace engine Rebuild engine
5.2 Planned High Make Workspace Workspace engine Build CRUD form
5.3 Planned High 06/01/2027 07/01/2025 Edit Workspace Workspace engine Edit the workspace settings
5.4 Planned High Edit Workspace Template engine Create template for workspace
5.5 Planned High Render Workspace Workspace engine Render workspaces based on domain models
6.1 Development High 19/12/2024 Make Ribbon Tab engine Upgrade Tab engine
6.2 Planned High Edit Ribbon Tab engine Import existing tab menus
6.3 Planned High Edit Ribbon Template engine Create templates for ribbon menus
6.4 Planned High Render Ribbon Render engine Render ribbon menu for each workspace
6.5 Planned High Make Ribbon Tab engine Create control buttons data structure
6.6 Planned High Edit Ribbon Tab engine Import some useful control button configs
6.7 Planned High Edit Ribbon Template engine Create templates for controls
6.8 Planned High Render Ribbon Render engine Render ribbon menus with controls
6.9 Requested High Edit Ribbon Workflow engine Connect controls to workflows to drive forms
7.1 Planned High Make Help Help engine Upgrade Help engine
7.2 Planned High Edit Help Help engine Create some in context help documentation
7.3 Planned High Edit Help Template engine Create templates for help pages
7.4 Planned High Render Help Render engine Render help pages in workspace
8.1 Planned High Make Self-Documentation Render engine Build CRUD form
8.2 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Render engine Edit render jobs
8.3 Planned High Make Self-Documentation Log engine Build CRUD form
8.4 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Log engine Edit logs config
8.5 Planned High Make Self-Documentation Template engine Build CRUD form
8.6 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Template engine Edit templates
8.7 Planned High Make Self-Documentation Website engine Build CRUD form
8.8 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Website engine Edit websites settings
8.9 Planned High Make Self-Documentation Component engine Build CRUD form
8.10 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Component engine Edit components
8.11 Planned High Make Self-Documentation Node engine Build CRUD form
8.12 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Node engine Edit nodes
8.13 Planned High Make Self-Documentation Design System engine Build CRUD form
8.14 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Design System engine Edit design system(s)
8.15 Planned High Make Self-Documentation Wiki engine Build CRUD form
8.16 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Wiki engine Edit Wikis
8.17 Planned High Edit Self-Documentation Template engine Update templates to describe engines for wiki pages
8.18 Planned High Render Self-Documentation Render engine Re-render pipiWiki web pages
8.19 Planned High Render Self-Documentation Render engine Re-render pipiWiki web pages
8.20 Requested High Edit Self-Documentation Website engine Remove robots.txt file to allow Google Search
9.1 Planned High Make Wiki Page CMS engine > Page Build CRUD form to edit page structure
9.2 Planned High Test Wiki Page Reference engine Test Engine
9.3 Requested High Make Wiki Page Reference section Build CRUD form
9.4 Requested High Make Wiki Page See Also section Build CRUD form
9.5 Requested High Make Wiki Page Notes section Build CRUD form
9.6 Requested High Make Wiki Page Keywords section Build CRUD form
10.1 Planned High Make SQL Databases Build CRUD form
10.2 Planned High Render SQL Databases Render SQL to CRUD databases
10.3 Planned High Make SQL Data engine > Tables Build CRUD form
10.4 Planned High Render SQL Data engine > Tables Render SQL to CRUD tables
10.5 Planned High Make SQL Data engine > Elements Build CRUD form
10.6 Planned High Render SQL Data engine > Elements Render SQL to CRUD columns
10.7 Development High 12/12/2024 Make SQL DAO engine Build DAO engine
10.8 Planned High Make SQL DAO engine Build CRUD form
10.9 Planned High Render SQL DAO engine Render DAO code objects
10.10 Planned High Test SQL DAO engine Test DAO against Database
11.1 Planned High Make Code Packages Build CRUD form
11.2 Planned High Render Code Packages Render code packages
11.3 Planned High Test Code Packages Test Packages against DAO
12.1 Planned High Make Workflow Workflow engine Build CRUD form
12.2 Planned High Edit Workflow Workflow engine Create workflows
12.3 Planned High Render Workflow Render engine Render workflows
12.4 Planned High Test Workflow Workflow engine Test workflows against Packages
13.1 Planned High Edit Form Design System engine Create UI components for forms
13.2 Planned High Edit Form CMS engine Update CMS components register
13.3 Requested High Make Form Form engine Build CRUD form to edit forms
13.4 Requested High Edit Form Form engine Import existing CRUD forms into Form engine
13.5 Requested High Edit Form Template engine Create templates for form generation
13.6 Requested High Render Form Render engine Render new forms to replace all handmade forms
13.7 Planned High Render Form Workspace engine Render Workspace to hold the CRUD forms
13.8 Planned High Make Form Workflow engine Connect workflows to forms
13.9 Planned High Test Form Form engine Test forms against workflows
13.10 Planned High Edit Form Workspace engine Create Pipi Editor Workspace
13.11 Planned High Edit Form Workspace engine Create pipiWiki Editor Workspace
13.12 Planned High Edit Form Workspace engine Create Database Editor Workspace
14.1 Planned High Edit Deployment User engine Edit permissions
14.2 Planned High Edit Deployment Deployment engine Edit deployment settings
15.1 Planned High Make User User engine Build DAO form
15.2 Planned High Edit User Workspace engine Create User Workspace
15.3 Requested High Edit User Workflow engine Automate user sign-up process
15.4 Requested High Edit User Signup web page Add user sign-up to
16.1 Planned High Edit User Test User engine Create user accounts for testers
16.2 Requested High Edit User Test Workspace engine Give Mike access to pipiWiki Editor Workspace
16.3 Requested High Edit User Test Workspace engine Give Alex access to pipiWiki Editor Workspace
16.4 Requested High Edit User Test Workspace engine Give Chris access to pipiWiki Editor Workspace
16.5 Requested High Edit User Test Workspace engine Give Jim access to pipiWiki Editor Workspace
16.6 Requested High Edit User Test User workspace Provide users with a personal workspace
16.7 Requested High Test User Test User engine User testing of their profiles, passwords, etc
16.8 Planned High Test User Test Workspace engine Let users test new ribbon menu
16.9 Requested High Test User Test Workspace engine Let users test new help menu
16.10 Requested High Make User Test CMS Engine > Forum Create a community forum for users
17.1 Requested High Make Feature Test Engine Update Test Engine to handle user requests
17.2 Production High 22/12/2024 22/12/2024 Edit Feature Template Engine Create template for feature requests
17.3 Production High 22/12/2024 22/12/2024 Edit Feature Wiki engine Publish template as static feature request page
17.4 Requested High Edit Feature Test Engine Build CRUD Form
17.5 Requested High Render Feature Render Engine Render feature requests page
18.1 Testing High 25/06/2024 25/06/2024 Edit Community Substack Open account at substack
18.2 Planned High Edit Community Substack Design format of email newsletter
18.3 Planned High Edit Communiity Substack Write monthly newsletter no. 1 (emergence)

Updated (edit)

This page was last modified on 29 September 2024 by Ajabbi contributors.